Friday, August 5, 2011

Bob Gerberg: Tips on landing a job with a professional-looking, concise resume

Bob Gerberg Photo Credit: by RegisLearning

Bob Gerberg is a trusted authority when it comes to career building and job hunting systems. His years of expertise in these fields have yielded him various accolades from the members of the society. He runs his own firm ― the Job Market Access Center (JMAC) and SET Personal Marketing ― and employs a number of highly skilled personnel trained in excellent HR solutions. As to the applicants, the first step to land a wonderful job is to prepare an outstanding resume.

Employers will not take so much scanning through a thick pile of resumes from their applicants. At first glance, the document has to be very attractive, fed with condensed but comprehensive information about the applicant’s background and should be designed with a pleasing physical lay-out.

Bob Gerberg Photo Credit: by Voxphoto

As Bob Gerberg dubs this as “personal marketing”—he considers resumes as vital tools in “selling” oneself to employers. Where competition is high among aspirants, to land in the top 5% of the entire number of applicants will be a big challenge. Bob’s solution is to recreate resumes into documents that will have powerful format and striking content.

As Internet-based transaction is increasingly developing a trend nowadays, online registration is currently becoming popular. However, with the speed and convenience the web offers, information security is also being compromised. But with Bob’s business firm, both applicants and employers will be highly protected.

The JMAC and SET firms of Bob offers three types of resume: universal resume, quick power resume, and electronic resume. Depending on the client’s needs, the firm is well-equipped in delivering services that will answer their necessities.

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More details about Bob Gerberg are available at .