Monday, May 2, 2011

Bob Gerberg Jr.'s Four Easy Steps to Getting Hired

Bob Gerberg, Jr., Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Career Technologies understands that in this challenging job market, job hunters must be aware of proven methods that will increase their chances of finding a job. Contrary to what most people believe, getting hired even during a recession is not impossible – the search for top notch talent prevails. Competition for jobs remains tight, but with a few smart strategies and a heavy dose of perseverance, you CAN find a job.
Gerberg shares four easy steps on how you can get a job, even during volatile economic climates:

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1. Customize your pitch.
Make your resume stand out from the rest by highlighting you greatest accomplishments at previous jobs rather than detailing your routine workweek responsibilities. Bob Gerberg, Jr. also recommends researching about the company and the interviewers so you can tailor your message to their needs. Preparation is the best and easiest way to nail an interview.

2. Show results.
Results are the bottom line. Instead of merely mentioning your skills and experiences, mention the results of your expertise on the job – like the time you spearheaded a special project which translated into more sales.

3. Get inside.
Understand the corporate culture of the company you’re applying for, because interviewers want to know whether you’ll fit in or not. View everyone at the company as people you hope to impress and someday work with.

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4. Make a winning impression.
Look and sound your best – a winning first impression begins with a confident entrance, walk, and greeting. Give a firm handshake, be pleasant throughout the interview, articulate your thoughts well, and always remember to sell yourself.

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More job hunting tips from Bob Gerberg, Jr. may be found at